Sending neat, rolled poster, protected and propped up in a very solid trapezoidal tube.
Via So Colissimo France to your home, your local post office or from your dealer!
We recommend delivery to your dealer for the following reasons:
- If no parcel will not be able to be deposited in your mailbox because of its dimensions
- During a home delivery, if your package could not you be hand-delivered factor leaves you a notice inviting you to recover post office, you then add 1 day delivery
- Post offices close at 17.30 while your farm much later and is often open early in the morning and starting between 12h and 14h
Via Colissimo international!
France, Andore, Monaco | So Colissimo | from 3,99 € | Free Shipping from 80 €. |
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Afghanistan | El Salvador | Laos | Rép. de Guinée |
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Cancellation and return
You have a right of withdrawal within 14 days from the date of delivery of the order, without justification or payment of penalties.
We will refund you the total amount paid as soon as possible and no later than 30 days following the date of withdrawal.